Mazzer Electronic Mini A Review
I’m lucky to have gotten my hands on a Mazzer MINI A! I got to put it through its paces and see if it’s as good as they say. The Mini is advertised as “the gold-standard compact sized commercial coffee grinder. Small dimensions, heavy duty die-cast aluminum body, stepless control and ease of use make it an ideal choice suited for small cafes, low-volume shops and restaurants who want a professional edge.”. Having it as a home grinder would be absolutely amazing!
I read the manual cover to cover. It was very straight forward and I'd HIGHLY recommend doing the same when you get yours. The most important thing I read was to not adjust burr size while it's not running. This means that when it's filled with beans it will feel like a little bit of a waste. I still made my espresso with the uneven burr size and it still tasted better than my old Nespresso machine! Yes, I did start with a Keurig, graduated to a Nespresso machine, and finally am working on my PHD in espresso. It's always a work in progress.
The first thing I noticed was how stable it is. It’s made with solid materials and is heavy enough where I’m not worried about it falling over by accident. I’d be confident setting it up in a house with a cat that likes to knock things off the counter or rub up against it.
The mini A is a time based unit. I found that this time based unit helped me adjust the quantity into the portafilter easily. There are two programmable buttons to select single and double shots. All you have to do is watch the espresso grind as the timer ticks on the display to estimate how much time to adjust it by. I found that the 6 seconds was a little much. Super easy to adjust the timing:
1) Hold the menu button 3 seconds, select the single or double shots button
2) adjust the time by .05 (which is the equivalent of .15 grams) seconds by pushing the up/down buttons
3) Hold menu button for 3 seconds again
4) Select single or double shot.
Once these steps are complete it was easy over the week to select the same amount. Using the above steps was also easy enough to slightly adjust the value a little lower so it fit better.
It makes sound but considering it's a shot at a time it's not bad.
The service from Aesthetic Coffee is top notch. We are a small shop growing quickly which means you may get support staff or the direct engagement from me, the CEO. In either case we are investing in you as much as you're investing in a new piece of equipment. Let us help you find something that best fits your needs unless you simply want this awesome piece of equipment!
Mazzer Mini A $1299.00 at Aesthetic Coffee