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What item should I buy first?

What item should I buy first?

When it comes down to it everyone is chasing taste.   Taste is impacted by a lot of things, but there is a clear answer. 

A Grinder! That said of course a great machine makes a big difference too.   The most often asked question I get though is if I can't have it all what should I do? We all struggle to reach that next step in our coffee making sophistication but when you go to your coffee machine in the morning and brew exactly the amount you grind you are guaranteed to up even the game of your most simple filter based coffee pot.

You do not need the most expensive espresso machine to brew a great cup of coffee (a double boiler, and pre-infusion control does help), but you do need your coffee freshly ground correctly first and foremost to improve that flavor immediately. I did an experiment and simply just bought already ground "espresso" coffee of various types and quality.  I probably should have saved all the brands and used those for this blog! ha!  I will go through the exercise again if anyone asks even though I now know the outcome and it's not the cheapest experiment to by 5 bags of coffee I'm not going to use.  That brings me to the strongest point.

When you go to Whole Foods normally there is a spot where you can have your beans ground.  Why do they leave a machine there and not just sell already ground coffee?  You'd think that those machines are not cheap and used that much are eventually going to break? Nope! With a few exceptions, these grinding machines just keep trucking. Especially commercial grade ones. 

Then there is also the reality of why those grinders are there at all.  Freshly ground coffee, even a week after a "fresh" grind at the grocery store is better than a bag that has sat around for who knows how long.

Lastly, I'm going to go back to my nespresso days. I would go through an enormous amount of pods and then have to DRIVE to UPS to send back the giant bag of waste to "save the planet".  I'm now instead saving my wallet and secondarily "saving the planet" without me having to do much of anything different than simply picking the bag of whole bean coffee off the shelf at the store.

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